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Father puts the dog above his son: he chose to adopt animals


Father puts the dog above his son: he chose to adopt animals


Dogs are man’s best friend, but how far does this friendship go? Recently, while a father decided to walk his dog, his little boy walked next to him and took a video. This was written by a woman in her car and posted on TikTok. While driving, the woman named Luz Elena took photos of the man holding a bottle in one hand and his son’s hand in the other. The woman wrote under the video, ”
when your priority is your dog, not the baby.” Where does TikTok, which puts the dog on the child, stand in this?

The video trended on social media with more than 4 million views and more than 5000 comments. The majority of comments supported the man’s decision. One person wrote: “The kid has the best tennis shoes if his feet hurt.” But it is clear that the father’s love for his son and his dog is equal and important. At the end of the day, men love their pets. There is absolutely no problem.

father holding his dog and walking with his child
lega819 / TikTok
Is it normal to choose a dog for a boy?



In a good way, people love their pets more than they love their children. It may not be as obvious as choosing dogs over men, but pets are just as important as children. A person who was recently asked to choose between his pet and his child replied: “If someone gave me the choice, I would buy a dog collection. I love my children, but I love my dog ​​more.” Dr. If someone starts talking about how unconditional love is difficult for their pet to give, it might make someone wonder about the psychology that causes them to love their pet more than their child, Julian Lagoy said. Pets can give you more headaches, stress, and anxiety than animals. It is also often easier to care for a pet than for a human child; takes more time than most need. This condition can occur in all types of pets, but is more common in dogs and cats than in smaller pets such as fish. Historically, people have heard that
gets along better with dogs and cats than with other animals. ”It may be harder than it seems. However, there may be a problem developing somewhere in your soul that you need to bring to the attention of a mental health professional. Lagoy believes: “It’s clear that you should love your children more than anything else: but loving an animal is different from loving a child. If an animal is placed in front of your child and given too much attention, you may consider seeking professional help for guidance.” It will help someone who is in a situation that is embarrassing and non-judgmental while giving them the space and tools to do it on their own. It does things that are very difficult for your pet to do. “Love. So if you love your dog more than your son, try to understand why. If you think something is missing in the relationship, it will help you increase your love for your child. Because we can tell you right now that it’s okay to pet your dog, after all, he’s a man’s best friend.

“Father puts dog before son: chooses to have a pet instead.” Brightside
“Is it normal to love your pets more than your children?” Terrible mother. Arielle Tschinkel. January 27, 2023.

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