The entire internet joined in and couldn’t find what this was. I’m not sure what this is, ninety percent of people don’t know either…

Toy Clackers, also known as Lik-Klaks, were popular in the 1970s and are still popular with many toy collectors today. The toy consists of two plastic balls connected by a string. As the balls swing back and forth, they make a loud “cracking” sound.
The toy was invented in 1969 by a toy company called Wham-O.The company was also responsible for other popular toys such as the Hula Hoop, Frisbee and Superball. Toy Clackers were so popular that the company sold more than 10 million of them in its first year.
The toy was eventually banned in many places for safety reasons. It was reported that some of the plastic balls broke, causing pieces to fly out and injure the children. The company eventually developed a new version of the toy made from safer material, but it was never as popular as the original.Today, Toy Clackers remain a popular item among collectors and those who remember playing with them when they were young. These vintage toys are reminiscent of simpler times while still bringing joy to those lucky enough to own a pair.
I never owned a pair of these, but I remember playing with them at friends’ houses. Did you have any?